Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sad News

Sad news from Florida.

Those of you who remember Sacred Warrior...you'll remember the keyboardist, Rick Macias.

Rick's body was found in a hotel in Clearwater FL yesterday, Monday, February 9th.

He apparently passed away Saturday night.

Please keep Rick's family & friends, as well as his Sacred Warrior family in your prayers. This is a tough one.....


Anonymous said...

I went to church with rick in wichita kansas.. He use to come over to my house and play piano for my wife and I and we would just sit and talk about god till the wee hours of the morning.. this news greatly saddens me since I considered him a friend still even though time and distance had grown us apart.. If anyone has any more news besides the obvious please post it!!! I will be praying for all his friends, family and people he came in contact with and left a witness with during his sowing the seeds for the kingdom!!!!


Anonymous said...

Shane, there is more information, but out of respect for Rick, I think we'll leave it as it stands. I will say that Rick was married to Nancy, and was living in Texas. He was in town (FL) visiting Rey and the rest of the Parra family, and we are expecting his remains will be flown back to his wife in Texas. No word yet on any funeral arrangements. There are a lot of us who really loved Rick as a brother, uncle, and friend, and this is a very tough time for all of his Sacred Warrior family. We appreciate your prayers, and would just ask that you would petition the Lord that others would come to know Christ through this tragedy.

Sandie said...

Rick's autopsy came back today- the ultimate cause of death was a heart attack. They flew his body back to Texas today. Service decisions are still pending as his anniversary was this weekend, and they don't want to do it on the same day. Will post once we know the final details on services.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for the support that both Pastor Price and especially Pastor Mep gave to Sacred Warrior as young Christian men. They were transparent in their passion and obvious love for the Lord and both our pastors saw that.

They didn't let the possibility of the long hair and leather jackets possibly intimidating others in the church keep them from embracing the burgeoning ministry of Sacred Warrior.

The boys (although one already had another church home), were secure with First Assembly as their church base, and it helped deepen and strengthen their faith.

The five years I spent working with and celebrating Sacred Warrior were some of the most poignant and wonderful of my life. Those years at First Assembly were also powerful and amazing times, and helped strengthen MY newly found faith.

I look forward to the day I catch up with Rick in heaven, and we will "Walk In Victory" together.


Anonymous said...

There is a memory etched in my mind from some years ago. It was after a Sunday morning service that a man named Glen approached me. He said he was a painting contractor and that he had several of long-haired rockers working for him and most had given their lives to the Lord. He said he was looking for a church for them to attend.

It was the question he asked me that still lingers in my mind. He described them to me and then He asked, "Will people like this be accepted in your church?"

I knew God accepted them and I knew that I would certainly accept them, but I had to answer for the rest of the straight, non-rocker, middle class white folks that attended the church. I ran down the list of faces I was used to seeing each week and then in a few moments ventured the answer, "Yes, they'll be welcomed here!"

And, the next Sunday here they came...all the way to the front, occupying the second and later also the third pew on the right. There were some looks, some smiles, and then some nods. The jeans, leather, chains and long hair became a regular part of the church.

I knew the welcome was complete when I saw the most stodgy, straight-laced couple in the church (now deceased) talking with and embracing Tony Valesquez, the drummer. I paused for a moment and watched, my eyes becoming moist as they are at this moment of remembering! I thought to myself, "The welcome is now complete!"

I'm so glad Glen cared like he did to see "his boys" get into a church where they were welcomed. I'm not sure they ever did know what time churh started, because they would come in at just about any part of the service. And, whenever they came in they would march up to their second pew from the front ready to receive from the Lord.

You know, I never heard a word of critisism from anyone in the church over this group attending services; just gratitude to God for the display of His grace to yet anothert part of "the family."

Chuck Meppelink

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just found out about Ricks passing. I'm very saddened by the news. I was in a band in the late 80's and had done some shows with SW. Rick was one of the coolest guys I had ever met. He truly loved God and was very funny and just a great guy overall. See ya on the other side Rick.....

Lake Fossil Press said...

Rick died about a month after my far-off friend Kristov of Marazene Machine died also from the
big C; I had caught up to Rey in 2006 when I was getting published in the U.K. then the rest of Sacred Warrior in 2007. Rey was getting noticed by my friend Scott Davidson as he formed Worldview as Bruce covered some serious subject matter with a recent track he did as Sacred Warrior. In an e-mail I pointed out what he did was quiet timely as the Jared Fogle incident went down.