Sunday, March 22, 2009

Open Heart Surgery for Cal

Cal had emergency open heart surgery and is in the hospital. Praise God, he seems to be doing well. Thought you all would want to know so you can be praying. They're updating this website with info...

Friday, March 20, 2009

July 18 - Reunion

We finally have something concrete. We booked a Pavillion at Carol Stream-Armstrong Park North #2 for our reunion.

Armstrong Park North #2 – This is the Park District’s newest Picnic Shelter. It is located at the northeast end of Armstrong Park near Kids World playground. It has 10 picnic tables and can accommodate up to 100 people.

More information about the park and pavillion as far as ammeneties can be found:

For you out of town folk, please let me know if you will be needing a hotel. If many of us will, I will try to get some kind of discount rates at nearby places.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sad News

Sad news from Florida.

Those of you who remember Sacred'll remember the keyboardist, Rick Macias.

Rick's body was found in a hotel in Clearwater FL yesterday, Monday, February 9th.

He apparently passed away Saturday night.

Please keep Rick's family & friends, as well as his Sacred Warrior family in your prayers. This is a tough one.....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wheaton Assemblies of God Trivia

  1. What was Duane and Sharon's favorite song before they got married?
  2. What color was the church bus?
  3. Who was TKO in a pillow fight?
  4. How many kids piled into Pastor M's car when the bus broke down after dropping off the Miulli's at their house late one night?
  5. Where did we temporarily meet when we outgrew our sanctuary?
  6. What was the third ingredient we had a fight with? Water, Egg and ___________________.
  7. What was the church's phone number?
  8. What/who/what or why is "Freeway" significant?
  9. How many stairs were up by the alter?
  10. What instruments did Duane, Roger and Pastor M play?
  11. What did the 7-11 turn into at the corner of Parkway and Main Street?
  12. Who was Joe Congine's best friend?
  13. How many stairwells did the church have?
  14. What year did Cal get hired as the new Youth Pastor?
  15. What town is Sharon Swanson from?
  16. What is Roger and Gail's child's name?
  17. Who played the Fridge in the Superbowl shuffle?
  18. What was Helen's puppets name?
  19. Where did the youth group meet before Cal came to Wheaton?
  20. Where did Roger and Gail live?
  21. Who's son is in the band, Perfect Existence?
  22. How tall was Kristi when she sang Eva's song, "I'm only 4 foot 11 but I'm going to heaven and it makes me feel 10 feet tall…"?
  23. Who's birthday is on April Fools Day?
  24. Who started College and Career and why?
  25. Who is responsible for staring this whole internet reunion?
  26. To date, how many people/families have we found since the idea began just over a month ago?
  27. What was the name of the restaurant on President and Roosevelt that was at one time our group's hangout?
  28. What year was the church building built?
  29. Who was left behind at Six Flags?
  30. Starting with Craig, list all the youth pastors, their spouses name and children's names.
  31. List the officers and their positions of the Alumni group on Facebook.
  32. Who was a good disco dancer in high school who wore a white leisure suit in his graduation picture
  33. Who posted the comment: I can't wait to see you all in July…<this> was the time of my life I will never forget on January 6, 2009 at 2:25 on this blog?

Hint: Some of these answers can be found in member's profiles in Facebook or in the Facebook alumni page.

If you don't have a Facebook account, add one and look up the group: Wheaton First Assembly Alumni. You will probably find people you already know waiting to hear from you.

If you need help, please email

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Round

Dylan's band got through the 1st round of the competition and now are on their way to winning $20,000.00 and possibly go on the Warp Tour "Taste of Chaos", which is a huge thing. So were asking everyone to do google searches on his band called Perfect Existence FL and then, watch the videos also we are asking them to go on and look up Orlando bands and then vote for Perfect Existence and watch the video on there.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Did You Know...

Lisa Duncan and Rey Parra wrote a song together back in the 1980s called He Died? It was recorded on Sacred Warries first CD and nominated for a Dove Award back in 1991.

Today, Rey's son, Dylan, is taking after his dad. He is in a hardcore band and is competing in Taste of Chaos and he needs your vote. Please go to his page: http://www.myspace.perfectexistencefl/ and cast your vote for them. The band with the most votes can win $20,000 and a chance to do the warp tour (every musician dream). Googling "Perfect Existence FL" also increases his chances on winning.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

We just booked the band...

Yes, we are going BIG! We just booked the band for July 18th! Stay tuned for more info...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bringing back the memories...

For those of us who have moved away from Wheaton and have not seen these images in many years...

I am sure these pictures bring back many tearful and happy memories to everybody...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I've never been on a blog before in my life!!!!!

This thing is legit!

I didn't start this blog, but if I was going to I would have started something like this! It has no connection with the current church, just a meeting place for persons who were at Wheaton First Assembly of God Church (FAGC) around the time I was there (1974-1990).

My days at FAGC were filled with personal development and tons of the most wonderful people in the world! My 16 years as pastor still stand out as a high point in my life.

I'm currently living in Springfield, MO, and have been for about 18 years! It will be interesting to see who signs in and where everyone is! Many of us are literally scattered from coast to coast. All the babies in the nursery have grown and now have families of their own. I have a grandson who graduates from Marine basic training the end of January '09. So, a lot of things have changed, but a lot remains the same!

When someone tests a microphone you'll often hear, "Is this mic on?" That's probably appropriate for this blog! Is THIS mic on? Let's see where it goes!

Best wishes and Happy New Year,

Chuck Meppelink

Friday, January 2, 2009


Hi everybody,

This blog is set up so we can share information between us. We are trying to organize a reunion.
Everything is up in the air so we want to know your thoughts. Would you be interested in attending it?

Because some of us have children in school, we were thinking about having it in the summer of '09. We were also thinking that the good ole Wheaton, Illinois should be the place.
Another thought was to have 2 separate reunions. One for the 80's Youth Group on one night and all other members the next night.

Whatever we choose, we will be cost effective. A thought for the Youth night may be to go to a place we used to hangout at regularly-like the Seven Drawfs restuarant on Roosevelt Road or Denny's on Schmale.

For the main reunion, we were thinking of a family picnic/potluck in somebody's backyard or a local park. Someone recently suggested Blackwell Forest Preserve or Herrick Lake. Another person suggested the old church.

We are looking at the weekend of July 17th...

What do you think? We want to hear from you. Please post here or email